cc++ control structures

Control Structures in C++

Course Overview

Welcome to “Control Structures in C++,” a online course designed to provide a deep understanding of the control flow mechanisms available in C++.

What You Will Learn

  • Introduction to Control Structures in C++:
    Gain an overview of how control structures form the backbone of logical decision-making in C++ programs, influencing how your code flows and executes.
  • If-else Statement in C++:
    Understand how to use the fundamental if-else statement to control the flow of your program based on conditions.
    • If-else Syntax:
      Learn the correct syntax for if-else statements, including the use of multi-branch and nested if-else.
    • C++ Code Examples:
      • Simple if-else statement to introduce basic conditional logic.
      • Check if a number is positive or negative using a conditional check.
      • Multi-branches to handle more than two possible outcomes.
      • Nested if-else statement to demonstrate complex conditional structures.
  • Loops in C++:
    Master loops, which allow you to repeat tasks efficiently.
    • Loops Syntax:
      Explore the syntax and structure of different types of loops, including for, while, and do-while.
    • C++ Code Examples:
      • For-loop through an array to output the content.
      • While-loop through an array to output the content.
      • Display characters from A to Z using for-loop.
      • Simple pattern generation to illustrate how loops can create shapes.
      • Pattern reverse to show how loops can modify patterns.
      • Left arrow pattern, right arrow pattern, Floyd’s triangle, triangle pattern, Christmas tree pattern, hourglass pattern, and diamond pattern, demonstrating the power of loops for creative design.
  • Switch-case Statement in C++:
    Learn how to use the switch-case statement to manage multiple conditions effectively.
    • Switch-case Syntax:
      Understand the syntax and structure of switch-case.
    • C++ Code Examples:
      • Get weekday by mapping numbers to days of the week.
      • Simple calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations.
  • Other Control Structures:
    • Ternary Operator:
      A compact way to write simple if-else statements.
    • More Code Examples:
      • Nested for loop to show advanced looping scenarios.
      • Double nested for-loop to illustrate complex loop nesting.
      • Advanced switch-case statement to handle intricate conditions.
      • If-else statement on boolean expressions to handle logical operations.
      • Check leap year in if-else statement to handle time-related conditions.