java classes and objects

Object-Oriented Programming in Java

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Course Overview

The course takes you through the core concepts of OOP in Java, covering everything from the basics of classes and objects to advanced topics like encapsulation, constructors, and static attributes. You’ll gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, empowering you to apply OOP principles effectively in your projects.

What You Will Learn

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Java: Understand the key concepts of OOP, such as classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, and how they relate to Java programming.
  • Classes and Objects Basics: Learn about classes and objects, the fundamental building blocks of OOP. Discover how to define classes, create objects, and understand their interaction.
  • Constructors:
    • Default Constructor: Understand the role of a default constructor, which initializes objects with default values.
    • Parameterized Constructor: Learn how parameterized constructors allow objects to be initialized with specific values during their creation.
    • Copy Constructor: Explore the concept of copy constructors and how they are used to create a new object that is a copy of an existing object.
  • Destructor: Learn about the destructor concept in Java and how it plays a role in resource management, specifically how Java’s garbage collector automates memory management.
  • Encapsulation via Get and Set Methods: Discover how to encapsulate data using getter and setter methods, ensuring controlled access to an object’s attributes.
  • Static Attributes and Methods: Explore the use of static attributes and methods, which belong to the class rather than any specific object instance.
  • The Final Keyword: Learn about the final keyword and its use in defining constants, preventing inheritance, and stopping method overriding.

Hands-On Code Examples

  • Array of Objects: Understand how to create and manipulate arrays of objects in Java.
  • Java Code Example: Area of a Rectangle: Implement a class to calculate the area of a rectangle, showcasing class attributes and methods.
  • Java Code Example: Volume of a Cube: Create a class to compute the volume of a cube, demonstrating constructors and encapsulation.
  • Java Code Example: Create a Small User Management with Customers and Employees: Develop a simple user management system that differentiates between customers and employees using classes and inheritance.
  • Java Code Example: Data Abstraction – Public, Private, Protected: Learn about data abstraction by defining public, private, and protected members and methods.
  • Java Code Example: Create Items with Counter: Implement a class that tracks the number of instances created using static attributes.

Quizzes and Assessments

Each module is accompanied by quizzes designed to test your understanding of the material and ensure you’ve grasped the key concepts before moving on.

Who Should Enroll

  • Beginner Programmers: Those new to Java programming who want to learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming.
  • Intermediate Java Developers: Programmers who want to enhance their understanding of OOP and write more efficient, modular Java code.
  • Software Developers: Those looking to refine their Java skills for professional development and improve their ability to design scalable software.