Friend Functions and Classes

A friend function is a function that is given special access to the private and protected members of a class. Although it is not a member of the class, it can access the class’s private data as if it were a member. The friend keyword is used to declare a friend function within the class definition.

Friend functions provide a way to give non-member functions access to class data, which can be useful for certain operations where access to private members is required, but membership in the class is not suitable.

Why Use Friend Functions?

Friend functions can be beneficial in scenarios where:

  • Access to Private Data is Necessary: When a non-member function needs to access private or protected data of a class.
  • Operator Overloading: When implementing certain types of operator overloading (like binary operators), it may be more convenient to use friend functions.
  • Interfacing with Multiple Classes: When a function needs to access private data of multiple classes, friend functions can make this easier without needing to make the data public.

How to Declare a Friend Function

To declare a friend function, use the friend keyword inside the class definition, followed by the function prototype. The function is defined outside the class.

class MyClass {
    int data;
    MyClass(int value) : data(value) {}

    // Friend function declaration
    friend void display(const MyClass& obj);

// Friend function definition
void display(const MyClass& obj) {
    std::cout << "Data: " << << std::endl;

In this example, display is declared as a friend function of the MyClass class, allowing it to access the private member data.

Example of a Friend Function

Here’s an example demonstrating the use of friend functions:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Box {
    double width;

    // Constructor
    Box(double w) : width(w) {}

    // Friend function to access private data
    friend void printWidth(const Box& b);

// Definition of friend function
void printWidth(const Box& b) {
    // Accessing private member of Box
    cout << "Width of the box: " << b.width << endl;

int main() {
    Box box(10.5);
    printWidth(box); // Call the friend function
    return 0;

In this example:

  • The printWidth function is declared as a friend inside the Box class, allowing it to access the private member width.
  • The function is defined outside the class and is able to read the private data member.

Friend Functions for Operator Overloading

Friend functions are often used for operator overloading when the left-hand operand is not an object of the class.

Example of overloading the + operator using a friend function:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Complex {
    float real;
    float imag;

    Complex(float r = 0, float i = 0) : real(r), imag(i) {}

    // Friend function to overload the + operator
    friend Complex operator+(const Complex& c1, const Complex& c2);

    void display() const {
        cout << real << " + " << imag << "i" << endl;

// Definition of friend function to overload +
Complex operator+(const Complex& c1, const Complex& c2) {
    return Complex(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag);

int main() {
    Complex c1(2.5, 3.5), c2(1.5, 2.5);
    Complex c3 = c1 + c2; // Uses the overloaded + operator
    return 0;

In this example, the operator+ function is a friend of the Complex class, enabling it to access the private members real and imag.

Friend Classes

Besides friend functions, C++ also supports friend classes. A friend class has access to the private and protected members of another class.

class B; // Forward declaration

class A {
    int dataA;
    A(int value) : dataA(value) {}

    // Making class B a friend
    friend class B;

class B {
    void display(const A& a) {
        // Accessing private member of class A
        std::cout << "Data in class A: " << a.dataA << std::endl;

int main() {
    A objA(10);
    B objB;
    objB.display(objA); // Accessing private data of class A
    return 0;

Here, B is declared as a friend class of A, allowing B to access A‘s private member dataA.

Characteristics and Rules of Friend Functions

  1. Not a Member Function: A friend function is not a member of the class in which it is declared as a friend. It is defined outside the class, and its invocation does not require an object of the class.
  2. Access Specifiers Do Not Matter: A friend function can be declared in any section (private, protected, or public) of the class definition. The access specifier does not affect its ability to access the private members.
  3. Cannot Be Inherited: Friendship is not inherited. If class B is a derived class of class A, and a function is a friend of A, it will not automatically become a friend of B.
  4. Bidirectional Friendship Does Not Exist: If class A declares class B as a friend, it does not mean that class B automatically declares class A as a friend. Friendship is a one-way relationship.
  5. Friendship is Not Transitive: If class A is a friend of class B, and class B is a friend of class C, it does not mean that class A is a friend of class C.

Advantages of Friend Functions

  • Increased Flexibility: Friend functions provide the ability to access private data without being part of the class, allowing for more flexibility when designing software.
  • Useful for Operator Overloading: Certain operators, such as binary operators, are more naturally implemented as friend functions.

Disadvantages of Friend Functions

  • Breaks Encapsulation: Since friend functions can access private data, they can break the encapsulation of a class.
  • Tight Coupling: Overuse of friend functions can lead to tight coupling between classes, making the code harder to maintain or modify.

When to Use Friend Functions

Friend functions are appropriate when:

  • There is a need to access private or protected data from outside the class, but membership in the class is not suitable.
  • Implementing operator overloading where the left-hand operand is not an object of the class.
  • Interfacing two or more classes in a way that requires mutual access to private members.


Friend functions in C++ provide a mechanism to grant non-member functions special access to a class’s private and protected members. While powerful, they should be used judiciously to avoid breaking encapsulation and introducing tight coupling. When used appropriately, friend functions can enhance flexibility and enable more natural operator overloading and class interfacing.