Day 16: Sorting a List


Your task today is to write a program that sorts a list of numbers in ascending or descending order. Sorting is a fundamental operation in programming and is used extensively in data analysis, search algorithms, and more.

For example:

  • Input: [8, 3, 1, 7, 4]
  • Output (ascending): [1, 3, 4, 7, 8]
  • Output (descending): [8, 7, 4, 3, 1]

This challenge will help you understand how sorting works and introduce you to built-in sorting methods or manual sorting algorithms.

Why Is Sorting Important?

Sorting has many applications in programming:

  1. Data Organization: Making data easier to read and analyze.
  2. Efficiency: Optimizing search and retrieval operations.
  3. Core Algorithms: Many advanced algorithms rely on sorted data, such as binary search.

Steps to Solve

1. Understand the Problem

  • You need to take a list of numbers as input.
  • Sort the list in both ascending and descending order.
  • Display the sorted list(s) to the user.

2. Approaches to Solve

There are two main approaches to solve this problem:

  1. Using Built-in Sorting Functions: Most programming languages have built-in methods to sort data (e.g., sort() in Python or Arrays.sort() in Java).
  2. Manual Sorting: Implement a sorting algorithm yourself, such as Bubble Sort or Selection Sort, to better understand how sorting works.

3. Input Format

  • Prompt the user to enter a list of numbers separated by spaces.
  • Convert the input into a list of integers.

Code Examples

Python Example

Using Built-in Sorting Functions:

# Get input from the user
numbers = input("Enter numbers separated by spaces: ").split()

# Convert input to a list of integers
numbers = [int(num) for num in numbers]

# Sort in ascending order
ascending = sorted(numbers)

# Sort in descending order
descending = sorted(numbers, reverse=True)

# Output the results
print("Ascending order:", ascending)
print("Descending order:", descending)

Manual Sorting with Bubble Sort:

# Get input from the user
numbers = input("Enter numbers separated by spaces: ").split()

# Convert input to a list of integers
numbers = [int(num) for num in numbers]

# Bubble sort for ascending order
for i in range(len(numbers)):
    for j in range(0, len(numbers) - i - 1):
        if numbers[j] > numbers[j + 1]:
            numbers[j], numbers[j + 1] = numbers[j + 1], numbers[j]

# Output the sorted list
print("Ascending order:", numbers)

# Reverse for descending order
print("Descending order:", numbers)

Java Example

Using Built-in Sorting Functions:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Get input from the user
        System.out.print("Enter numbers separated by spaces: ");
        String[] input = scanner.nextLine().split(" ");

        // Convert input to an array of integers
        Integer[] numbers = new Integer[input.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
            numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(input[i]);

        // Sort in ascending order
        System.out.println("Ascending order: " + Arrays.toString(numbers));

        // Sort in descending order
        Arrays.sort(numbers, Collections.reverseOrder());
        System.out.println("Descending order: " + Arrays.toString(numbers));

Manual Sorting with Bubble Sort:

javaKopierenBearbeitenimport java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Get input from the user
        System.out.print("Enter numbers separated by spaces: ");
        String[] input = scanner.nextLine().split(" ");

        // Convert input to an array of integers
        int[] numbers = new int[input.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
            numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(input[i]);

        // Bubble sort for ascending order
        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numbers.length - 1 - i; j++) {
                if (numbers[j] > numbers[j + 1]) {
                    int temp = numbers[j];
                    numbers[j] = numbers[j + 1];
                    numbers[j + 1] = temp;

        // Print the sorted list in ascending order
        System.out.print("Ascending order: ");
        for (int num : numbers) {
            System.out.print(num + " ");

        // Print the sorted list in descending order
        System.out.print("\nDescending order: ");
        for (int i = numbers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            System.out.print(numbers[i] + " ");

JavaScript Example

Using Built-in Sorting Functions:

// Get input from the user
let input = prompt("Enter numbers separated by spaces:");
let numbers = input.split(" ").map(Number);

// Sort in ascending order
let ascending = [...numbers].sort((a, b) => a - b);

// Sort in descending order
let descending = [...numbers].sort((a, b) => b - a);

console.log("Ascending order:", ascending);
console.log("Descending order:", descending);

Manual Sorting with Bubble Sort:

// Get input from the user
let input = prompt("Enter numbers separated by spaces:");
let numbers = input.split(" ").map(Number);

// Bubble sort for ascending order
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < numbers.length - i - 1; j++) {
        if (numbers[j] > numbers[j + 1]) {
            let temp = numbers[j];
            numbers[j] = numbers[j + 1];
            numbers[j + 1] = temp;

console.log("Ascending order:", numbers);

// Reverse for descending order
console.log("Descending order:", numbers.reverse());

Edge Cases to Consider

  1. Empty Input: Handle cases where no numbers are provided.
  2. Single Number: A single number doesn’t need sorting but should still be displayed.
  3. Negative Numbers: Ensure the program correctly handles negative values.
  4. Duplicates: Ensure duplicate numbers are sorted correctly.

Extensions to Explore

  1. Sorting Strings: Modify the program to sort strings alphabetically.
  2. Custom Sorting: Allow the user to specify a custom sorting order.
  3. Performance Comparison: Compare the performance of different sorting algorithms (e.g., Bubble Sort vs. built-in methods).

What You’ve Learned

  • How to sort data using built-in methods and manual algorithms.
  • The importance of sorting for data organization and analysis.
  • Practical skills for working with numbers and lists in your chosen programming language.

Next Steps

In Day 17: Word Frequency Counter, you’ll take a deep dive into text data and learn how to count the occurrence of each word in a sentence. It’s an excellent exercise for string manipulation and working with dictionaries or maps!