Varargs (Variable Arguments) in Java

Varargs (variable arguments) allow a method to accept a variable number of arguments. This means that you can pass zero or more arguments to a method without the need to overload the method multiple times with different numbers of parameters. Varargs provide flexibility when you’re not sure how many arguments you’ll need to pass to a method.

To declare a method that accepts varargs, you use an ellipsis (...) after the data type of the parameter. Internally, Java treats varargs as an array.

Syntax of Varargs

The syntax for varargs is simple. The ellipsis (...) is used after the data type to indicate that the method can accept a variable number of arguments:

public void methodName(DataType... varName) {
    // method body

For example, to create a method that accepts a variable number of integers:

public void printNumbers(int... numbers) {
    for (int number : numbers) {

In this example, the printNumbers() method can take any number of int values as its argument.

Example of Varargs in Use

public class VarargsExample {
    // Method that accepts variable number of integer arguments
    public static void sum(int... numbers) {
        int total = 0;
        for (int num : numbers) {
            total += num;
        System.out.println("Sum: " + total);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        sum(1, 2);          // Output: Sum: 3
        sum(1, 2, 3, 4);    // Output: Sum: 10
        sum();              // Output: Sum: 0

Explanation of the Example

  • The sum() method accepts a variable number of integers.
  • You can call the method with any number of arguments, including no arguments at all (in which case, the method treats the array as empty).
  • Inside the method, the varargs parameter numbers is treated as an array, and a for-each loop is used to iterate over the passed arguments.

Internally, Varargs Are Arrays

Although varargs are declared with ..., Java internally converts them into an array of the specified type. For instance, in the sum() example, the int... numbers parameter is internally treated as int[] numbers. This is why you can iterate over the varargs like you would with an array.

Rules for Using Varargs

Varargs Must Be the Last Parameter

When you define a method with varargs, the varargs parameter must be the last parameter in the method signature. This is because the method might accept any number of arguments, and if the varargs parameter is not the last, it would be impossible to determine where the fixed parameters end and the varargs begin.

Example (correct):

public void print(int fixedParam, String... varArgs) {
    // implementation

Example (incorrect):

// Compilation error
public void print(String... varArgs, int fixedParam) {
    // implementation
Only One Varargs Parameter

A method can have only one varargs parameter. Having more than one would lead to ambiguity in determining the number of arguments for each varargs parameter.

Example (incorrect):

// Compilation error
public void example(int... numbers, String... strings) {
    // implementation
Varargs Can Be Empty

You can pass zero arguments to a varargs method. In this case, the varargs array will simply be empty.

Combining Varargs with Other Parameters

You can combine varargs with regular parameters, but remember that the varargs parameter must always be last in the method signature.

public static void display(String message, int... numbers) {
    System.out.println("Message: " + message);
    for (int number : numbers) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    display("Numbers:", 1, 2, 3);  // Valid
    display("No numbers");         // Valid, no varargs passed

Using Varargs with Overloading

Varargs can also be used in combination with method overloading. When multiple overloaded methods are available, the most specific method signature is chosen by the compiler.

public class VarargsExample {

    // Overloaded method without varargs
    public static void display(int number) {
        System.out.println("Single number: " + number);

    // Method with varargs
    public static void display(int... numbers) {
        System.out.println("Varargs method called");
        for (int number : numbers) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        display(10);           // Calls the single argument method
        display(1, 2, 3, 4);   // Calls the varargs method

In this example:

  • The display(int number) method is called when a single integer is passed.
  • The display(int... numbers) method is called when multiple integers are passed.

Performance Considerations

While varargs make the code more flexible, they do have a slight performance cost compared to regular method parameters because of the creation of an array to store the arguments. This cost is typically negligible in most cases but is something to consider in performance-critical applications.

Varargs with Reference Types

Varargs work not only with primitive types (like int, double, etc.) but also with reference types such as String or any custom object.

public class VarargsReferenceType {

    public static void printNames(String... names) {
        for (String name : names) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        printNames("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie");

In this example, the printNames() method can accept any number of String arguments.

Varargs and Arrays

Since varargs are internally treated as arrays, you can pass an array directly to a varargs method:

public class VarargsExample {

    public static void printNumbers(int... numbers) {
        for (int number : numbers) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] myNumbers = {1, 2, 3, 4};
        printNumbers(myNumbers);  // Passing an array to a varargs method

In this example, the printNumbers() method accepts both individual arguments and arrays.

Varargs and Null

If you pass null to a varargs method, it will be treated as if no arguments were passed, and you may encounter a NullPointerException if you try to access the varargs array without checking for null.

public static void printNumbers(int... numbers) {
    if (numbers == null) {
        System.out.println("No numbers provided");
    for (int number : numbers) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    printNumbers(null);  // Output: No numbers provided

Key Points to Remember

  1. Varargs allow you to pass zero or more arguments to a method.
  2. The varargs parameter must be the last parameter in the method signature.
  3. Varargs are internally treated as arrays, and you can use them like arrays within the method.
  4. Only one varargs parameter is allowed per method.
  5. Varargs provide a flexible and concise way to handle methods that can take a varying number of arguments, reducing the need for overloaded methods.


Varargs provide a powerful and flexible way to handle methods with variable numbers of arguments, making code cleaner and more readable. By allowing developers to pass any number of arguments (including none), varargs eliminate the need for multiple method overloads while still offering flexibility.

However, care should be taken to ensure that they are used correctly (with varargs as the last parameter) and that performance implications are considered in critical scenarios.