Suppressing Exceptions – Using contextlib.suppress()

The contextlib.suppress() function provides a clean and readable way to suppress specific exceptions within a block of code. This can be useful when you expect certain types of errors to occur but don’t want them to interrupt the flow of your program. By using suppress(), you can prevent specified exceptions from being raised and avoid having to write multiple try-except blocks.

How contextlib.suppress() Works

The contextlib.suppress() function is a context manager, which means it’s used with the with statement to manage exceptions in a specific block of code. When an exception that you want to suppress occurs within that block, it is caught and ignored. If any other exception occurs (not specified in the suppress() call), it is raised as usual.


from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(ExceptionType):
    # code that might raise an exception

Example 1: Suppressing FileNotFoundError

Imagine you have a file-deletion operation that sometimes tries to delete a file that doesn’t exist. Instead of handling this with a try-except block, you can use suppress() to ignore the error if the file is missing.

import os
from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(FileNotFoundError):

In this case, if the file non_existent_file.txt doesn’t exist, the FileNotFoundError will be suppressed, and the program will continue without any interruption.

Example 2: Suppressing Multiple Exceptions

You can suppress multiple exception types by passing them as a tuple to contextlib.suppress().

with suppress(FileNotFoundError, PermissionError):
    # Try to remove a file, but ignore both file not found and permission errors

Here, both FileNotFoundError and PermissionError will be suppressed, meaning the program will continue if either of these exceptions occurs.

When to Use contextlib.suppress()

  1. When exceptions are expected and not critical: If you expect an error to occur and know it is safe to ignore it, suppressing the exception is a concise way to do this.
  2. Avoiding clutter in code: Instead of writing multiple try-except blocks to handle common exceptions (like FileNotFoundError or PermissionError), you can use suppress() to make the code cleaner and more readable.
  3. Simple exception handling scenarios: If no additional logic is required when an exception is caught, suppress() is a simpler alternative to writing an empty except block.

Best Practices for Using suppress()

  • Be cautious about overuse: Only suppress exceptions when you’re sure it’s safe to ignore them. Silencing too many exceptions can make it harder to debug problems in your code.
  • Limit to specific exceptions: Always specify the exact exception(s) to suppress. Suppressing all exceptions (suppress(Exception)) can hide unexpected errors and make it harder to track down bugs.
  • Use when exceptions are part of normal operation: Suppressing exceptions is most useful when they are part of normal, expected behavior (e.g., trying to delete a file that might not exist).

Alternative to suppress()

A typical alternative to using suppress() is writing a try-except block. The difference is that suppress() simplifies the code when no additional error handling is required.

# Without suppress()
except FileNotFoundError:
    pass  # Simply ignore the error

This can be replaced with:

from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(FileNotFoundError):