Range of values and memory size of all data types

The following table lists the supported data types with their memory requirements and value range.

Data typeValue rangeMemory size
booltrue/false8 Bit
char-128 .. 1278 Bit
int-32 768 .. 32 76716 Bit
float1.17E-38 .. 3.4E3832 Bit
double2.2E-308 .. 1.8E30864 Bit
voidentspricht der leeren Menge
unsigned char0 .. 2558 Bit
unsigned int0 .. 65 53516 Bit
short (int)-32 768 .. 32 76716 Bit
long (int)-2 147 483 648 .. 2 147 483 64732 Bit
unsigned long (int)0 .. 4 294 967 29532 Bit