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All programming languages

(1 customer review)

From: 10,00 $ / month

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Welcome to our online course, designed to sharpen your programming skills across multiple languages including Python, Java, C++, and SQL. Whether you’re a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, our course is tailored to meet your needs.


  • Monthly Subscription: Unlock full access to all tutorials, quizzes, and challenges for just $10 per month.
  • Annual Subscription: Get a full year of unlimited access for $80.

Course Overview

This course offers a deep dive into four major programming languages, each with its own set of tutorials, quizzes, and challenges:

Python, Java, & C++

  • Programming Language Basics: Start from scratch and learn the syntax and basic constructs of Python, Java, and C++.
  • Data Types and Functions/Methods: Understand the different data types and how to effectively use functions and methods in your programs.
  • Exception Handling: Learn to anticipate and manage errors in your code, ensuring your programs can handle unexpected issues gracefully.
  • Object Orientation: Delve into the principles of object-oriented programming including classes and objects to structure your software efficiently.
  • Polymorphism and Inheritance: Explore advanced concepts of polymorphism and inheritance, which allow for more flexible and reusable code.
  • and much more…


  • SQL Basics: Gain a solid foundation in SQL, learning how to manage databases using essential commands and queries.
  • Database-Specific Extensions: Explore the unique features of various database systems such as MySQL, Oracle, and others, enhancing your ability to work across different SQL environments.
  • Introduction to Joins in SQL: Master the technique of combining data from multiple tables through SQL joins, a critical skill for any database professional.

Regular Content Updates

Our commitment to your learning journey doesn’t stop at the current curriculum. We continuously update and add new content across all sections to keep the course materials fresh, relevant, and in line with the latest industry trends. This ensures that your subscription remains valuable, providing ongoing learning opportunities to help you stay sharp and up-to-date with new technologies and programming paradigms.

1 review for All programming languages

  1. rhagda87

    Codevisionz has helped me to code more effectively. The code examples are very well documented so that the concept behind them can be understood.

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