Turtle Python library

The Turtle module in Python is a beginner-friendly library that provides a simple graphics environment for drawing shapes and patterns using a turtle metaphor. It’s often used for educational purposes to teach programming concepts, particularly to beginners.

More Information: https://docs.python.org/3/library/turtle.html


  • The Turtle module is designed to introduce programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, and functions in a fun and interactive way.
  • It provides a simple and intuitive interface for drawing graphics using a virtual turtle that moves around a screen, leaving a trail behind it.
  • The Turtle module helps beginners visualize the execution of code and understand concepts like procedural programming, iteration, and recursion.

Key Features

  • Turtle Graphics: The Turtle module allows users to draw lines, shapes, and patterns by controlling a turtle cursor on a screen.
  • Turtle Movement: Users can control the movement of the turtle using commands like forward(), backward(), left(), and right().
  • Pen Control: Users can control the turtle’s pen to control whether it draws lines (pendown()) or moves without drawing (penup()).
  • Color and Appearance: The Turtle module supports setting the color and width of the pen, filling shapes with color, and customizing the turtle’s appearance.
  • Control Flow: Users can use loops and conditionals to create complex drawings and patterns with the Turtle module.
  • Event Handling: The Turtle module supports event handling, allowing users to respond to mouse and keyboard events in their programs.


  • The Turtle module is commonly used in educational settings, such as classrooms and coding camps, to teach programming concepts to beginners.
  • It’s also used by hobbyists and enthusiasts for creating simple graphics and animations, exploring mathematical concepts, and experimenting with algorithms.
  • The Turtle module provides a gentle introduction to programming and serves as a stepping stone to more advanced topics and libraries.


  • The Turtle module is included in the standard library of Python, so it doesn’t require any additional installation steps.
  • Users can simply import the Turtle module (import turtle) and start using it in their Python programs.


There are numerous tutorials, documentation, and online resources available for learning and using the Turtle module. The Python documentation provides detailed information about the Turtle module and its functions, along with example code and usage instructions.

Overall, the Turtle module is a valuable tool for teaching programming concepts and exploring creativity through code. Its simplicity, interactivity, and visual feedback make it an ideal choice for beginners learning Python programming.

  • Beginner-friendly library for teaching programming concepts.
  • Simple and intuitive interface for drawing shapes and patterns.
  • Ideal for educational purposes and exploring programming concepts interactively.
  • Minimal setup required, as it’s part of the standard Python library.
  • Limited in scope and functionality compared to Matplotlib or Pygame.
  • Not suitable for complex graphics, games, or multimedia applications.
  • May not be suitable for production-level software development.

Code Example

import turtle

# Example: Drawing a square with Turtle
square = turtle.Turtle()
for _ in range(4):

Code Explanation

This code snippet demonstrates how to draw a square using the Turtle module in Python. Let’s break it down step by step:

  1. import turtle: This line imports the Turtle module, which provides a simple graphics environment for drawing shapes and patterns.
  2. square = turtle.Turtle(): Creates a Turtle object named square. This object represents the turtle cursor on the screen and allows us to control its movements and draw shapes.
  3. for _ in range(4):: Starts a for loop that iterates four times. This loop is used to draw the four sides of the square.
  4. square.forward(100): Moves the turtle cursor forward by 100 units. This command draws one side of the square.
  5. square.right(90): Turns the turtle cursor to the right by 90 degrees. This command makes the turtle change its direction, so it can draw the next side of the square.
  6. turtle.done(): This line tells the Turtle module to wait for the user to close the drawing window before ending the program. It keeps the window open so that the drawn shape remains visible.

In summary, this code creates a Turtle object, uses a loop to draw each side of a square by moving the turtle cursor forward and turning it to the right, and then keeps the drawing window open until the user closes it. The result is a square shape drawn on the screen using Turtle graphics.


The output of the above code example will be a square drawn on the Turtle graphics window. The square will have each side measuring 100 units in length, as specified by the square.forward(100) command. After drawing each side, the turtle cursor will turn 90 degrees to the right using the square.right(90) command, creating a square shape.

The Turtle graphics window will remain open after the square is drawn, allowing the user to view the square until they manually close the window.