C++ Programming Language

C++ is a powerful and efficient programming language, which is mainly used where high demands are made on efficiency and speed.

Bjarne Stroustrup created the C++ programming language with the idea of extending the C programming language with object orientation and many other modern concepts.

The programming language C++ is often used in system and game development. The efficient, machine-oriented programming of the C language entails further application areas.

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Courses and Quizzes

Programming Language C++

Our C++ Courses covers basic concepts, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, templates, classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, file operations, data structures, sorting algorithms, mathematical functions, mathematical sequences, exception handling and system functions.

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cpp inheritance

Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++

small icon Intermediate
small icon 1h 45m

cpp fileoperations (ofstream, ifstream, fstream)

Fileoperations in C++

small icon Beginner / Intermediate
small icon 1h

c++ exception handling

Errors and Exception Handling in C++

small icon Intermediate
small icon 2h

cplusplus mathematical sequences

Mathematical Functions / Sequences in C++

small icon Beginner / Intermediate
small icon 1h 15m