Python Code Example: passing list to method

This is a Python function doubles that takes a list of numbers l and doubles each element in the list.

The function uses a for loop that iterates through the elements of the list l using the range function and the length of the list. In each iteration, the current element of the list is updated to be equal to twice its original value.

After the function is called with myList as its argument, the resulting list is printed using another for loop that iterates through the elements of myList. In each iteration, the current element is printed followed by a space, and the end parameter of the print function is set to ' ' to ensure that the elements are printed on the same line separated by spaces.

The final output of the code will be a list of the values from myList with each value doubled.

def doubles(l):
    for i in range(0, len(l)):
        l[i] = 2 * l[i]

myList = [12, 20, 14, 4, 5, 44, 74]


print("values from array doubled: ")
for i in range(0, len(myList)):
    print(myList[i], end=' ')
24 40 28 8 10 88 148