Python Code Example: volume and surface of a cube

This code snippet demonstrates how to calculate the volume and surface area of a cube using simple functions in Python.

Code Example

def getVolume(a):
    volume = a * a * a
    return volume

def getSurface(a):
    surface = 6 * a * a
    return surface

edgeLength = int(input("Please enter the edge length: "))
print("Volume: " + repr(getVolume(edgeLength)))
print("Surface: " + repr(getSurface(edgeLength)))
Please enter the edge length: 5 
Volume: 125
Surface: 150

Code Explanation

Function getVolume(a)
def getVolume(a):
    volume = a * a * a
    return volume
  • Purpose: This function calculates the volume of a cube.
  • Parameter: The function takes one parameter a, which represents the edge length of the cube.
  • Calculation: It calculates the volume using the formula volume=a3volume=a3 (multiplying the edge length by itself three times).
  • Return Value: The function returns the calculated volume.
Function getSurface(a)
def getSurface(a):
    surface = 6 * a * a
    return surface
  • Purpose: This function calculates the surface area of a cube.
  • Parameter: The function takes one parameter a, which represents the edge length of the cube.
  • Calculation: It calculates the surface area using the formula surface=6a2surface=6a2. Since a cube has six faces, and each face has an area of a2a2, the total surface area is six times a2a2.
  • Return Value: The function returns the calculated surface area.
Main Program
edgeLength = int(input("Please enter the edge length: "))
print("Volume: " + repr(getVolume(edgeLength)))
print("Surface: " + repr(getSurface(edgeLength)))
  • User Input: The program prompts the user to input the edge length of the cube using input("Please enter the edge length: ").
  • Conversion: The input is read as a string, so it is converted to an integer using int(), and this value is stored in the variable edgeLength.
  • Volume Calculation and Output: The getVolume() function is called with edgeLength as an argument, and the result is printed.
  • Surface Area Calculation and Output: Similarly, the getSurface() function is called with edgeLength as an argument, and the result is printed.