Passing objects to functions

When passing objects to functions, only the reference is copied, not the object itself. If the method has access to attributes of the object, it can change the object. This change is preserved after the method returns.

Code Example

class Person:
    name = ""

def setName(n, o): = n

p1 = Person()
p2 = Person()

setName("John", p1)
setName("Tom", p2)
Code Explanation

This code defines a class named Person with a single attribute, name. The class also defines a method setName that takes two arguments: n and o. The method sets the name attribute of the Person object passed as o to the value of n.

Two objects, p1 and p2, are created from the Person class. The setName method is then called twice, once for each object, with different values for the n parameter, “John” and “Tom”, respectively.

This demonstrates that the setName method can be used to set the name attribute for multiple instances of the Person class.