Swap two values

Swap two Values with third Variable

This is a simple program written in the C++ programming language that swaps the values of two variables.

The first line #include <iostream> is a preprocessor directive that includes the iostream header file. The header file provides input and output functions, such as cout and cin.

The line using namespace std; is used to make the program more concise by including the standard namespace.

The main function is the starting point of the program, and it consists of several statements.

The first section declares three integer variables: x, y, and temp.

The next section uses the cout statement to print the prompt “Enter a value for x: ” and the cin statement to read the value of x from the user. The same process is repeated for the y.

The line cout << "Before swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y << endl; displays the original values of x and y to the user.

The next section swaps the values of x and y using a temporary variable temp. The line temp = x; stores the value of x in temp, the line x = y; assigns the value of y to x, and the line y = temp; assigns the value of temp (the original value of x) to y.

The line cout << "After swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y; displays the swapped values of x and y to the user.

Finally, the return 0; statement indicates that the program has executed successfully and returns a zero status to the operating system.

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
using namespace std;

int main () {
    int x, y, temp;

    cout << "Enter a value for x: ";
    cin >> x;
    cout << "Enter a value for y: ";
    cin >> y;

    cout << "Before swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y << endl;  
    // swapping numbers
    temp = x;
    x = y;
    y = temp;

    cout << "After swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y;    
    return 0;
Enter a value for x: 22
Enter a value for y: 44
Before swapping:
X: 22
Y: 44
After swapping:
X: 44
Y: 22

Swap two Values without third Variable

This is a simple program written in the C++ programming language that swaps the values of two variables without using a temporary variable.

The first line #include <iostream> is a preprocessor directive that includes the iostream header file. The header file provides input and output functions, such as cout and cin.

The line using namespace std; is used to make the program more concise by including the standard namespace.

The main function is the starting point of the program, and it consists of several statements.

The first section declares two integer variables: x and y.

The next section uses the cout statement to print the prompt “Enter a value for x: ” and the cin statement to read the value of x from the user. The same process is repeated for the y.

The line cout << "Before swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y << endl; displays the original values of x and y to the user.

The next section swaps the values of x and y without using a temporary variable.

The line x = x + y; adds the values of x and y and stores the result in x.

The line y = x - y; subtracts the original value of y from the new value of x and stores the result in y.

The line x = x - y; subtracts the new value of y from the new value of x and stores the result in x.

The line cout << "After swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y; displays the swapped values of x and y to the user.

Finally, the return 0; statement indicates that the program has executed successfully and returns a zero status to the operating system.

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
using namespace std;

int main () {
    int x, y;

    cout << "Enter a value for x: ";
    cin >> x;
    cout << "Enter a value for y: ";
    cin >> y;

    cout << "Before swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y << endl;  
    // swapping numbers
    x = x + y;   
    y = x - y;   
    x = x - y; 

    cout << "After swapping:\nX: " << x << "\nY: " << y;    
    return 0;
Enter a value for x: 22
Enter a value for y: 44
Before swapping:
X: 22
Y: 44
After swapping:
X: 44
Y: 22